Thursday, May 04, 2006



Sadly, many people are directed to my site asking questions that I can't answer.

So it is with some relief that I can report that I can actually answer the following question that appeared on my stats:

Is there a reason why Patrick Mower doesn't wear a tie?

Well, when Patrick was 13 years old several boys at school were jealous of his burgeoning good looks. He was of course to go on the be one of Britain's dishiest men, and at the time he already had 5 - count 'em! - girlfriends on the go.

For some of the boys this proved too much. Walking home from school through a short cut one day, Patrick was confronted by the bullying oafs who wrenched Patrick's school tie around his neck so that he could barely breathe, and tied all his limbs up to some iron railings with their own ties.

As this was on a Friday night, and the area was not near any housing, Patrick had to wait for a terrifying day and a half before an old woman attending a nearby church service saw and rescued him.

Patrick had burns around his neck.

Understandably, since then he has been reluctant to wear a tie. He was given a special school note excusing him from wearing one. If he walks past the shop Tie Rack he is likely to have a panic attack, so tries to avoid that establishment if at all possible.

This has lead to the smart/casual, open shirted look which drives older ladies wild.

A heartening tale of someone who has triumphed over adversity.

Glad to be of service!

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