Wednesday, May 17, 2006



So, it has been announced today that Paul "Sir Paul", "Thumbs Up" "Fab Macca" "Judey Judey Judey" "Mull Of Kintyre" "Thumbs Up" McCartney and Heather "Lady Macbeth" "Can't Put One Foot In Front Of The Other" "This Lady's Not For Turning" "Not The One With The Frozen Vegetarian Meal Line" "Lady Mills-Macbeth" Mills-McCartney are to split up.

A shame, of course, but it means that today I have had a flood of visitors asking for ...

Heather Mills joke.

What, just the one joke. Is it a joke that Paul allegedly told which was the "straw that broke the camel's back" in their troubled marriage"?

I'd be grateful to anyone who can provide an answer.

Oh, and I've not posted this in the hope of increasing the number of visitors because of dozens of people looking for Heather Mills joke. Oh no.

I'm really gutted about it but I don't know the joke. If you find out can you tell me because Walshey's running out of material.

Does anyone want to by some black leather stuff coz wardrobe says I don't need it anymore lol!
Hello again Richard, you lanky streak of piss you. Thanks for being one of our few devoted readers!

I'm not sure about the ex-goth wardrobe, but does the make up department have any black eyeliner pencils they won't get to use on you now? Mine is running out. My preferred brand is Bourjois, but if it's Chanel I'll not turn my nose up at it.
Well, I know the plane joke, and the stocking filler joke, but they are very old.
Er...thanks Betty. I don't know if they've got any left because I don't take much interest in all that gaylord stuff. I did say when I started that everything had to be organic and the makeup gilr said it was alright coz all her brushes were made from natural Canadian seal fur so I suppose you can't get more organic than that.
Jeesus, he's a wierdy looking bloke!
Haven't a clue about the joke but Heather has a collection of legs for different occasions.

Richard: I'm up for your black leather jacket if it doesn't carry the "Stench of Death."

Betty: MAC makes a quality pencil.
Vicus - the only one I managed to find on Google was the "what has three legs and lives on a farm?" one. Mind you, I didn't look too hard.

Richard - LOL, mind you, that's no way to talk about Vicus. Just because you've gone dead straight and have ditched the eyeliner and the Matrix coat you feel it's okay to pass judgement on other people's appearances!

MJ - Perhaps Heather can now devote herself to setting up a prosthetic limb company from the enormous divorce payout.

Can't really afford MAC eyeliner. I like a nice strong black to accentuate my "mad" ... er, I mean "dramatic" east european eyes. Back to using the soot from the fireplace then.
Just taking a break from filming. I'm using Si Gregson's Blackurrant or whatevre it's called.

That guy Vicus he looks like Mr Lanchester who was our French teacher at school. He got put on the pedo list for coming out of the bogs with his nob out when some girls were going past.

See ya L8er
You don't want to give too much away yet, Richard. You've got to think about the autobiography in a couple of years. Does Simon scare himself when he looks in the mirror? He scares me.

Oh and...

I ain't sayin' she's a gold digga
But she ain't messin' wit no broke Macca
Abridged versions because they are not that funny.
Joke 1: He bought her a plane for her birthday. And a ladyshaver for her other leg.
Joke 2: He bought her a new leg for Christmas, but it was just a stocking filler.
I quite like Joke 1 actually.
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